Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Company Analysis - 2873 Words
Tyson Foods, Inc. Company Analysis Strategic Management Table of Contents Introduction Executive Summary Page 3-4 SWOT Analysis Strengths Page 5 Weaknesses Page 5-6 Opportunities Page 6-7 Threat Page 7 Matrices EFE Page 8-9 IFE Page 9-10 CFM Page 11-12 Graphs Page 13 Financial Statement Analysis Ratios Page 14 Graph Page 15 Analysis of Ratios Page 16 Worth of the Business Page 17 Conclusion Recommendations Page 18 Bibliography Annotations Page 19-21 Executive Summary This summary will reflect the development of a strategic analysis of Tyson Foods, Inc. and†¦show more content†¦5/markets-credit-idUSN1559101020071115 3) Not ensuring team member health and safety 4) Unethical Behavior 5) Labor Strikes Opportunities 1) Venturing into alternative fuel business 2) Expanding Mexican markets;p=irol-newsArticleamp;ID=1076487amp;highlight 3) Higher demand for organic products 4) International sales 5) Acquisition of smaller companies Threats 1) Shifts to vegetarianism 2) Laws and Regulations 3) Increasing commodity costs 4) Competition using strategic tactics 5) Animal Diseases MoreRelatedCompany A And Company Case Analysis1141 Words  | 5 PagesCompany A and company B are two completely different companies and now they are merging together. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
How Media Affects Self Image - 1232 Words
Teenage and college women are overly obsessing about their body images and constantly think that they need to be much skinnier, when they are not even fat. Many women today have the wrong idea of what the perfect body is, since there is no such thing as a perfect body. Every person is different and there can be no â€Å"perfect†. Being skinny is not the thing to strive for, but rather being healthy is. In this decade, women are constantly looking at models, T.V. shows and Instagram photos of girls that are stick-thin, or just very skinny, and they think that this is the way we as women in society must look. The problem is by excessively looking at these photos or T.V. shows, women become self-conscious, obsessive, unhealthy and simply unhappy.†¦show more content†¦Lopez-Guimera states, â€Å"Media are among the principal social agents in many societies around the world. Television, magazines, newspapers, radio, cinema, advertising, the Internet, and other so-called ‘‘new media’’ or ‘‘new technologies’’ occupy if not invadeâ€â€much of our leisure time, and indeed our working time†(Lopez-Guimera, 4). If you really think about it, on most occasions, when Americans have some down time, or a couple of minutes to rest, they quickly turn to the Internet or television. As for teenage girls, this is what aids in the issue of unhappiness with the body. If a girl spends up to ten minutes a day on a social media, or networking site, that can lead up to the viewing of an estimate twenty pictures. Yes, twenty pictures, in only ten minutes. No wonder why girls have so many things to compare themselves to. One of the worst social media sites for this issue would be Tumblr, a domain where any user can share and post hundreds of pictures on to their own page for everyone to view. When searching the words â€Å"skinny Tumblr†on Google, hundreds of Tumblr pages come up with disturbing names such as, thin-to-fit-in, some-day-I-will-be-skinny, skinny-size-zero, soso-skinny, along with many more. The idea of girlsShow MoreRelatedHow Does Self Discrepancy Of Media Influenced Body Image Affect Adolescents Self Esteem?1235 Words  | 5 PagesSection A: Project Details Title: How does self-discrepancy of media-influenced body image affect adolescents’ self-esteem? Abstract: Research has shown that exposure to thin-ideal media is related to body dissatisfaction. Consequently, the accumulated dissatisfying emotions regarding one’s body can evolve into distorted body perception. Such disturbed body image has been evident as associated with low self-esteem. 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Something so pervasive, however, should be intently studied and handled with extreme caution due to the vas t influence it can have over its audience’s mind. Too much exposure to certain stimuli has previously been shown to affect cognition and behavior in adolescents. So why should media be any different? Social media appsRead MoreMass Media Affects Women s Body Image Essay873 Words  | 4 PagesMass media affects women’s body image in many ways. â€Å"Media images of ridiculously thin women are everywhere- television shows, movies, popular magazines†(Farrar). Starting at a very young age, girls are exposed to media suggestions about what the â€Å"ideal†female body image should be. â€Å"Concern over weight and appearance related issues often surface early in females’ development, and continues throughout the lifespan†(Serdar). Teenagers often see celebrities, fashion models, and show hosts as role
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Computer Literacy
Question: Discuss similarities and difference between Facebook, Ello and experience project. Answer: Introduction The Computer has touched the lives of many people such as the way the people learn and the way they work. It is impossible to live a single day without the computer and the information produced by the computer. Due to the significance of the computers in the world of today, therefore it is required to be a computer literate. Being a computer literate, it is necessary to have knowledge as well as understanding of the computers and their specific uses. Now-a-days, social media becomes a part of the internet (Shaker and Farooq, 2013). One of the social media sites is Facebook. Facebook is the fastest growing online platform that is used to enable the customization of the user interface. Ello is an ad-free social network that connects the user with friends. One of the fundamental principles of Ello is that the users are never forced to see the paid ads or posts. Experience Project is the worlds largest collection of sharing experiences. Findings and Analysis Facebook Facebook is the most popular social networking sites, founded in the year 2004. This site is free to the users as well as receives revenue from its ads. It is not only a site for personal information, but the vendors are also using it to create a page to promote products and their brands. Facebook mainly focus on keeping in touch with families, friends and relatives (Ryan and Xenos, 2011). It focuses on accessing a means of applications that is made for all purposes. The effectiveness of Facebook is that it is used to consume as well as share information with the friends online. This is the reason behind that Facebook is supported by advertising revenue. At the time of advertising in Facebook, the audiences are required those are eligible to see the ads. The audiences are chosen from the ad set level. Facebook offers a range of audiences to target the business (Gavilanes, 2013). Those are custom audiences, location, demographic, behaviours, education etc. Some of the technical featur es of Facebook are: Marketplace: It allows the members to post as well as respond to ads. Events: It allows the members to publish an event, invite the guest as well as track the status of the event, those are planning to attend the event. Presence technology: It allows the members to observe which contacts are online. Advantages of Facebook Facebook helps to connect the people from all over the world. By using Facebook as a network, it helps to maintain the relationship (Simon, Brexendorf and Fassnacht, 2013). It is used as a social bookmarking site to share articles as well as blogs. Though Facebook have advantages, it has some disadvantages. The privacy of Facebook is used in a proper way otherwise it affects the personal information of the user. One of the biggest disadvantages is that Facebook is addicted to the user and it keeps them busy for a long period of time (Yaakop, 2013). Facebook Case Study In the year 2007, giant of social media i.e. Facebook is short of the bound of marketing online by producing a marketing ploy i.e. Beacon tool. This tool is used to track the browsing data of the user. Then it broadcasts the information to the network of the user. The Beacon tool draws criticism from the community online and claims the violation of the security. The tool is used to record the internet activities of the Facebook and transmits these activities back to the Facebook, and then publishes it into the users Facebook profile. According to the case study, Facebook differentiates its services from other social networking sites by offering different privacy settings. It also controls the personal information of the users (Batchelor et al., 2015). Ello Ello is an ad-free social network that connects the user with friends. One of the fundamental principles of Ello is that the users are never forced to see the paid ads or posts. In Ello, nobody can able to sell as well as collect data about the user to any other third parties. It makes Ello too much fun to the users as every feature it creates is only for the user. It is created as an alternative to other existing social networks such as Facebook, Twitter. The features of Ello are private messaging as well as hashtag integration. One of the positive reviews about Ello is that it seems to be destined to become the Betamax of social media (Palemans, 2012). It becomes superior to the competitors. Now, Ello has a definite focus on becoming an e-commerce site. The success behind Ello is that it does not show any online advertising as well as cannot share the users data. Its portal is different from Facebook, so it is called as anti-facebook. Advantages of Ello Ello is not selling the private information of the user, thus its privacy is better than Facebook Ello is using the platform of its most basic as well as an optimal state. The users are never forced to see the paid ads or posts. Disadvantages of Ello Ello cannot find any advertising revenue like Facebook and Experience project Ello case study The case study is Whatever happened to Ello. In the year 2014, a new social platform appears to the users, the platform is known as Ello. The Ello becomes the beta, thus the other sites questioned about the popularity of the site. By the end of 2014, Ello receives no attention from the user. But in 2015, it becomes the future of social media. The platform of Ello is not dead, it explores to the users. The user can log in the site by requesting for a membership invite by entering the address of the email. Ello is popular to the user because of its designing website. In the home page of Ello, there is seen a wall of avatars as well as faces to represent the users on the website of Ello (Jones, 2015). It looks innovative and attractive with its dark colour palette as well as some approach to its graphics. The users accept it as the hip new Facebook and the future of social media. Experience Project Experience Project is the worlds largest collection of sharing experiences. It is a supportive place for the users to share as well as connect with the outside world. It is also an online social chat site for the people to connect with others. It consists of a ubiquitous audience of people those are educating, growing, learning as well as supporting each others. It mainly focuses that everyone has the right to share their experiences. The more experiences will be shared by others, the more it will create a deeper understanding between the users (Benelli et al., 2015). After doing research on Experience Project, it is being concluded that it is the first social network site in which a community unites million of people to share their experiences. The features that it includes are survey, blogs, confessions, mood as well as wellness journaling and a search engine that matches a temper to a particular song. The friends are also added and chat with them. Advantages of Experience Project: It is used to share the users own experience socially and should give a positive impact on the human experience. The project team achieves the goals to meet the demand of the users. Disadvantages of Experience Project: It only shares their experiences online. The users are unknown and they cannot chat with each other. Experience Project Case Study In this case study, Experience project is used to chat with the growing website of sharing experience socially and the usage of Google Analytics. For the team of Experience project, Google Analytics is the effective tools that help to decide the place of spending time, energy as well as resources. Google Analytics helps Experience Project understand the users subject matter information. Then the team creates tools for managing the challenges and achievements of goals to meet the demand of the users. Experience project focuses on maximizing the advertising revenue for their efforts on online marketing. By using the content information in Google Analytics, the teams of management, as well as the engineering, are able to take product decisions as well as the success of measures. Therefore, Experience Project continues to grow the community as well give a positive impact on the human experience. Similarities between Facebook, Ello and Experience Project Access: The three social networking sites are not easily accessible to the general public and these sites are free to use. Sign-in: These sites are only be used by the user after they create a profile of their own and sign-in to their own (Yesil, 2014). Difference between Facebook, Ello and Experience Project Factors Facebook Ello Experience Project Purpose Facebook helps to connect the people all over the world through online chatting and helps to maintain the relationship (Taylor, Falconer and Snowdon, 2014). Ello is a social network site in which the users are never forced to see the paid ads or posts. It is created as an alternative to other existing social networks such as Facebook. Experience Project is an online social chat site used for sharing the experience of the users. User Privacy The privacy of Facebook is to be used in an accurate way otherwise it would affect the personal information of the users. The privacy of Ello is better than Facebook as it is not selling the personal information of the user to others. It has no such privacy policy. The users can share their own experiences and can connect with others. Advertising revenue Facebook is supported by advertising revenue. Ello cannot find under this category. It has maximum advertising revenue and it consists of people those are educating, growing, learning as well as supporting each others. Features Facebook has a new feed in which the people can post, share photos as well as videos (Vasalou, Joinson and Courvoisier, 2010). It has no such news feed, but it can share photos. Experience Project asks random questions that the user can answer. It can post stories that anyone can read, but it has no news feed. Conclusion From the case studies, it is being concluded that the website of Facebook is free to the users as well as it helps to receive revenue from its ads. It is a site for the vendors, used to create a page to promote products and their brands. The other social media site, Ello in which the users are never forced to see the paid ads or posts. One of the positive reviews about Ello is that it seems to be destined to become the Betamax of social media. The Experience Project is used to share the users own experience. It is used to chat with the growing website of sharing experience socially and the usage of Google Analytics. Google Analytics is the effective tools that help to decide the place of spending time, energy as well as resources. Reference List Batchelor, N., Houston, D., Larson, S., Nanjundaram, S. and Vota, W. (2015). Facebook Case Study. 1st ed. Benelli, G., Desneux, N., Romano, D., Conte, G., Messing, R. and Canale, A. (2015). Contest experience enhances aggressive behaviour in a fly: when losers learn to win. Sci. Rep., 5, p.9347. Gavilanes, J. (2013). Paid Advertising In Question: Do Non-Paid Facebook Efforts Effectively Foster Sales?. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013(1), pp.17203-17203. Jones, E. (2015). Case Study: Whatever Happened To Ello? | Bright Yellow Creative. Palemans, M. (2012). Ello, ello, ello. New Scientist, 216(2886), p.31. Ryan, T. and Xenos, S. (2011). Who uses Facebook? An investigation into the relationship between the Big Five, shyness, narcissism, loneliness, and Facebook usage. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(5), pp.1658-1664. Shaker, H. and Farooq, M. (2013). Computer Literacy Improvement Needs: Physicians' Self Assessment in the Makkah Region. Oman Medical Journal, 28(6), pp.450-453. Simon, C., Brexendorf, T. and Fassnacht, M. (2013). Creating Online Brand Experience on Facebook. Mark Rev St. Gallen, 30(6), pp.50-59. Taylor, Y., Falconer, E. and Snowdon, R. (2014). Queer youth, Facebook and faith: Facebook methodologies and online identities. New Media Society, 16(7), pp.1138-1153. Vasalou, A., Joinson, A. and Courvoisier, D. (2010). Cultural differences, experience with social networks and the nature of true commitment in Facebook. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68(10), pp.719-728. Yaakop, A. (2013). Like It or Not: Issue of Credibility in Facebook Advertising. Asian Social Science, 9(3). Yesil, M. (2014). The relationship between facebook use and personality traits of university students. International Journal of Academic Research, 6(2), pp.75-80.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Causes and Effects of Being Overweight an Example of the Topic Health Essays by
The Causes and Effects of Being Overweight Are you an overweight person? Or do you know somebody who is overweight? What are the things do you think that have caused of being overweight? And what are the effects of being one? You better to read this paper for you to know the reasons how and why people become overweight and the consequences of being one. People say prevention is better than cure. It is better to have a healthy lifestyle as early as now to prevent ourselves from being overweight. If we are going to define overweight, from the prefix "over" means "in excess of" and connecting that word into the root word which is weight, overweight apparently means excessive weight. Is being overweighted difficult to overcome? The answer is yes, right? Again I repeat prevention is better than cure. For that, this paper will discuss the causes and effects of being overweight to inform the people and to warn them as well about how bad being overweight affect their health and lifestyle as well. Need essay sample on "The Causes and Effects of Being Overweight" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Students Often Tell EssayLab support: I'm not in the mood to write my essay. But I want to spend time with my girlfriend Essay writer professionals propose: Hire EssayLab team! First, I will discuss the causes of being overweight. There are many reason why there are some people become overweight. The most common thing we know why is that, we eat a lot of food and the calories we get from the food we eat are already excessive that our body cannot convert them all into energy. Thus, those calories will be stored as fats resulting in gaining weight. Less activity, more food intake equals being overweight. There is a notion that people who are overweight are lazy but doctors say that being overweight can be cause by genetic factor. The family poor eating habits may also one of the reasons. Metabolism of a person is one thing to consider. There are some people that have faster metabolism and some are not. If the person has poor eating habits and low physical activities, more consequently that person would become overweight. Sedentary lifestyle can also contribute for being overweight. Because of technology which we say "makes our lives easier", we are now lackin g physical exercises because we tend to get more time in front of televisions and computers. Pregnancy could also be a cause of being overweight. Women will be likely to gain weight during their pregnancy. There are also socio-cultural factors to consider. Eating in fast foods can lead to weight-gain. Crash diets can also contribute to gain excessive weight. The more you deprive yourself from the food you eat because you want to lose weight, the slower your body metabolism will work. Losing weight should be done gradually because if you crash diet there will come a point where you will break your diet. And because we crash diet, the body is more convinced that your food resources are unreliable that is why it will tend to store more fats, and as result, you gain weight. And because food is always associated with rewards, when one feels boredom or depression, one tends to reward oneself by eating that if it is done frequently may cause weight-gain. Some medical conditions can cause weight-gain. Example of which are hypothyroidism, Cushing disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome, etc. Medication side effects can cause weight-gain too. Some medications which can cause weight-gain side effect s are some oral contraceptives, anti depressants, etc. Overall, these are the things that can be the causes of being overweight. I will now embark upon the consequences of being overweight. Being overweight is really not a good thing to become. There are many health problems that one will encounter if one is overweight. Being overweight and obese are very dangerous. The International Journal of Obesity, the American Obesity Association, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention all agree with that. An increased risk of having different diseases such as gallbladder disease, heart disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, steoarthritis, type 2 diabetes, stroke, sleep apnea, and even cancer are some of the dangers that overweight people can encounter. People who are overweight also tend to have gout, an impaired immune system, respiratory problems, difficulty healing from wounds, reproductive disorders that cause infertility, liver disease, back pain, gynecological complications, pancreatitis, and incontinence. Also, according to American Obese Association, overweight people have the high risk of having carpa l tunnel syndrome. The association found out that 70% of the sufferers of that disease are overweight. In all diseases I have mentioned, cancer is quite alarming. Cancers like cancer of the breast, esophagus, colon, uterus, and kidney are more threatening harms to have by overweight people. In our todays so- called health and wellness age, overweight people are not on the fad that is why liposuction and other quicker means of burning fats are very in demand right now. Overweight people and those who are not, try to consider these things I discuss to you. As I have said, prevention is better than cure. So, what are you waiting for? Start having a healthy lifestyle NOW. Works Cited Effects of Being Overweight. Professors House. Overweight. Native Remedies: The Natural Choice.
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