Monday, December 16, 2019
How Media Affects Self Image - 1232 Words
Teenage and college women are overly obsessing about their body images and constantly think that they need to be much skinnier, when they are not even fat. Many women today have the wrong idea of what the perfect body is, since there is no such thing as a perfect body. Every person is different and there can be no â€Å"perfect†. Being skinny is not the thing to strive for, but rather being healthy is. In this decade, women are constantly looking at models, T.V. shows and Instagram photos of girls that are stick-thin, or just very skinny, and they think that this is the way we as women in society must look. The problem is by excessively looking at these photos or T.V. shows, women become self-conscious, obsessive, unhealthy and simply unhappy.†¦show more content†¦Lopez-Guimera states, â€Å"Media are among the principal social agents in many societies around the world. Television, magazines, newspapers, radio, cinema, advertising, the Internet, and other so-called ‘‘new media’’ or ‘‘new technologies’’ occupy if not invadeâ€â€much of our leisure time, and indeed our working time†(Lopez-Guimera, 4). If you really think about it, on most occasions, when Americans have some down time, or a couple of minutes to rest, they quickly turn to the Internet or television. As for teenage girls, this is what aids in the issue of unhappiness with the body. If a girl spends up to ten minutes a day on a social media, or networking site, that can lead up to the viewing of an estimate twenty pictures. Yes, twenty pictures, in only ten minutes. No wonder why girls have so many things to compare themselves to. One of the worst social media sites for this issue would be Tumblr, a domain where any user can share and post hundreds of pictures on to their own page for everyone to view. When searching the words â€Å"skinny Tumblr†on Google, hundreds of Tumblr pages come up with disturbing names such as, thin-to-fit-in, some-day-I-will-be-skinny, skinny-size-zero, soso-skinny, along with many more. The idea of girlsShow MoreRelatedHow Does Self Discrepancy Of Media Influenced Body Image Affect Adolescents Self Esteem?1235 Words  | 5 PagesSection A: Project Details Title: How does self-discrepancy of media-influenced body image affect adolescents’ self-esteem? Abstract: Research has shown that exposure to thin-ideal media is related to body dissatisfaction. Consequently, the accumulated dissatisfying emotions regarding one’s body can evolve into distorted body perception. Such disturbed body image has been evident as associated with low self-esteem. 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