Friday, September 4, 2020
Measurement and interpretation of the application of corporate Research Proposal
Estimation and understanding of the use of corporate administration to build the upper hands of the monetary units - Research Proposal Example The corporate administration codes are produced by the organizations to fulfill the partners, which incorporate representatives, financial specialists, clients and providers. The examination targets understanding whether the corporate administration codes are sufficiently compelling to build the quality of the organization or whether it very well may be considered as one of the most significant methodology to expand its upper hand. Thusly, corporate administration codes are characterized alongside its pertinence at various degrees of the executives. It is seen that the effect of powerful corporate administration code prompts increment in piece of the pie of the organization as the clients and financial specialists are happy with their general execution. Henceforth, the examination will target setting up the connection between corporate administration and upper hand in a more extensive manner. Corporate administration has gotten one of the dynamic subjects of conversation and exploration among the scholarly analysts and furthermore a huge subject for starting a discussion. There have been a few examinations relating to corporate administration featuring its significance and effects on the presentation of organizations (Singh and Davidson, 2003). There are additionally analysts, who have focussed on the system of corporate administration for example setting up a connection between top managerial staff and partners, straightforwardness in the revelation and defending the enthusiasm of partners. Nonetheless, these analysts have disregarded the significance of rehearsing outside corporate administration, which can forestall obstruction of the administrators that may influence the government assistance of the partners (Singh and Davidson, 2003). For this situation, it ought to be expressed that both outside and inner corporate administration are basic for increasing upper hand. The general impact of the obstruction is thought about adequacy of the administration of the organization. Thusly, so as to top off the hole in the scholastic investigates on this
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
You Wont Believe What The Most Popular College Extracurriculars Are
Extracurriculars are normally what understudies anticipate most in secondary school. Regardless of whether its a varsity sports group or a venue club, understudies go on the grounds that theyre energetic about it. School takes extracurriculars to an unheard of level. Understudy inclusion is a lot higher, since the greater part of the gatherings are understudy run with restricted personnel oversight. That is the reason extracurriculars can be a main factor when applying to school. Here are probably the most famous extracurriculars nearby at Miami OH, Stanford, Williams, UCSC and Princeton:Greek Life10152847319757653FB(Miami OH ‘15) Greek life is inescapable at Miami. Regardless of whether you have any enthusiasm for joining the Greek people group, you will without a doubt interface with it normally nearby. A portion of the Greek associations are acceptable yet most do not have an unmistakable crucial. They lecture a certain something however do another (at any rate that is my ex perience - I attempted it, beginning swearing and remained for a month before I chose it wasnt for me). The following most well known understudy associations are the coed scholarly societies which are extraordinary for praises understudies and individuals planning to organize in their field or study or later on calling. From that point onward, the following most mainstream understudy associations are things like Campus Crusaders and College Republicans (gives you a thought of the understudy body).A Capellaastein(Stanford ‘19): Stanford has a practically overpowering number of extracurriculars to join. Some are normal to a great deal of schools: SWE (Society of Women Engineers), Mock Trial, Debate, Club Sports, A Capella gatherings, etc. Be that as it may, there is most likely a club for any action you need to do, and some youve never knew about! Everybody at Stanford has heard our amazing Taiko drummers play, and during direction we saw the spectacularly gifted Stanford Jump R ope gathering. I am a piece of the Stanford Shakespeare organization and would like to be dynamic in the numerous other understudy run theater bunches nearby. A Capella is HUGE. You would prefer not to miss their shows. You will see individuals from the Stanford Ax Committee terminating T-shirts into the crowd at football match-ups. Simply the other week the Happiness Club left pleasant notes and confections on the entirety of the bicycle situates around my residence. Whatever it is that you love to do you can discover it here. Furthermore, if by some possibility you dont, you can begin your own club!Outdoor Activities 869749923096609FB (Williams ‘19): Its crucial to consider the kind of school setting youd like as you choose which universities to apply to. Williams is set in a rustic climate, settled in the Berkshire mountains. In this way, the most mainstream exercises are open air related, such as climbing, sports, and diversion. On the off chance that you are an energetic individual who respects nature/are enlivened by it as a possible craftsman/essayist/competitor, you might need to find out that most of schools you apply to can bolster that. Normal setting is one of only a handful hardly any things you wont need to pay for in school, and it can offer a great deal of free exercises, while a school in a city will pass on a ton of concealed charges after some time. SportsAlinette(UCSC ‘19): At UC Santa Cruz, numerous understudies exploit the lovely condition that encompasses them nearby. Well known exercises understudies partake in incorporate investigating the tremendous Redwoods woodland through different climbing trails and exploring consumptions, taking an interest in a few degrees of sports through the OPERS physical projects including softball, swimming, rock-climbing, soccer, and others, playing a functioning job in understudy government exercises all through the few distinct Colleges (your picked private association) around grounds, for example, the Student Union Assembly, the Student Government, and the universities a few Student Senates. The club perspective at UCSC is amazingly dynamic, and most understudies are a piece of various associations and communities.Dance Groupsannajustine19 (Princeton ‘18): Many individuals appear to be in sports groups of every single diverse kind - womens club soccer is by all accounts large, as does football. Ive been amazed by the quantity of move bunches nearby; they generally appear to promote another show! Acappella is tremendous, similar to the quantity of performing expressions bunches nearby: comedy theater, melodic theater, and so forth and so on. I am aware of in any event 8 money and financial aspects clubs nearby that numerous individuals join, including AdThis, which is a promoting club. There are social equity gatherings and volunteer gatherings and natural gatherings - truly all that you could envision! Im sure in the event that I plunked down and attempted to make a rundown, I would just cover a small amount of the understudy clubs and exercises at Princeton.Whether you’re simply beginning your quest or you’re searching for help applying, it’s never too soon to make the school application process easier.Searchto discover understudies like you orcontact a mentorfor help with the affirmations procedure so you can limit your decisions a nd get a head start.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Contract Law (Introduction to Business Law) Essay
Agreement Law (Introduction to Business Law) - Essay Example s to contract on certain standing, made with the aim that it will get official when it is acknowledged by the individual to whom it is tended to, the â€Å"offeree.3†The â€Å"expression4†may take various structures. The expectation component is a target thought and the instance of Smith v Hughes 5emphasised the pertinent thought similar to an emphasis on how a sensible individual would see the circumstance. Seddon et al further affirm that the â€Å"test for presence and the degree for an understanding is that of a goal way. At the point when a test is objective, it assesses what the gatherings really said so as to make an offer and agreement6†. In addition, on account of Storer v Manchester City Council7 it was affirmed by Lord Denning that â€Å"a man can't escape an agreement by saying: I didn't expect to contract†if by his words he has done so†8. Moreover, on account of Acme Grain Co. v Wenaus 9it was attested: â€Å"to comprise an agreement, there must be a proposal by one individual to another and an acknowledgment of that proposal by the individual to whom it is made. A simple explanation of a person’s goal or a revelation of his ability to go into dealings isn't an offer and can't be acknowledged in order to frame a legitimate contract10†. Furthermore, the law recognizes an offer and an encouragement to treat, which isn't an offer however a sign of readiness to arrange a contract11. For instance, on account of Gibson v Manchester City Council12, the words â€Å"may be set up to sell†comprised an encouragement to treat and not a particular offer. Undoubtedly, the Gibson choice tested the customary view for arrangement of legally binding understanding. For this situation, Lord Denning affirmed that while thinking about whether there is a coupling legally binding understanding, it could be contended that: â€Å"there is no compelling reason to search for severe offer and acknowledgment. You should take a gander at the correspondence in general and at the lead of the gatherings and see in this way
American Writers Essay
Ernest Hemingway’s composing is among the most unmistakable and powerful writing of the twentieth century. Numerous pundits accept his style was affected by his days as a whelp journalist for the Kansas City Star, where he needed to depend on short sentences and vigorous English. Hemingway’s procedure is straightforward, with plain sentence structure and effectively open language. His trademark is a perfect style that shuns descriptive words and uses short, musical sentences that focus on activity as opposed to reflection. Despite the fact that his composing is regularly thought of as â€Å"simple,†this speculation couldn't possibly be more off-base. He was an over the top reviser. His work is the consequence of a cautious procedure of choosing just those components fundamental to the story and pruning everything else away. He kept his writing immediate and unadorned, utilizing a procedure he named the â€Å"iceberg rule. †In Death in the Afternoon he composed, â€Å"If an essayist of exposition thinks enough about what he is expounding on he may preclude things that he knows and the peruser, if the author is composing genuinely enough, will have a sentiment of those things as firmly just as the author had expressed them. The respect of development of the chunk of ice is because of only one-eighth of it being above water. †Hemingway is additionally viewed as an ace of exchange. The discussions between his characters exhibit correspondence as well as its cutoff points. The way Hemingway’s characters talk is in some cases more significant than what they state, since what they decide to state (or leave implied) enlightens wellsprings of internal clash. Once in a while characters state just what they figure another character will need to hear. So, Hemingway catches the multifaceted nature of human connection through nuance and suggestion just as immediate talk. The authors of Hemingway’s age are frequently named â€Å"Modernists. †Disillusioned by the enormous number of losses in World War I, they got some distance from the nineteenth-century, Victorian ideas of ethical quality and legitimacy and toward an increasingly existential perspective. Huge numbers of the era’s most skilled essayists congregated in Paris. Ezra Pound, thought about one of the most huge artists of the Modernist development, advanced Hemingway’s early work, as did F. Scott Fitzgerald, who kept in touch with his proofreader, Maxwell Perkins, on Hemingway’s sake. The ground-breaking effect of Hemingway’s composing on different creators proceeds right up 'til the present time. Essayists as assorted as Bret Easton Ellis, Chuck Palahniuk, Elmore Leonard, and Hunter S. Thompson have acknowledged him for adding to their styles. Immediate, individual composing brimming with rich symbolism was Hemingway’s objective. Almost fifty years after his passing, his unmistakable exposition is as yet conspicuous by its economy and controlled modest representation of the truth. 18 †¢ THE BIG READ National Endowment for the Arts.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Why Do We Need Solar Energy? Essay -- essays research papers
For what reason Do We Need Solar Energy?      With the world’s characteristic assets exhausting quickly, people must figure out how to redress. This general public has drained oil, coal, fuel, lead, uranium, and numerous other of these repositories in our Earth for many years and much has been finished. Black-top was utilized for our streets and thruways, coal was initially utilized for heat before there was oil, and even water was utilized as a type of power on numerous country ranches. Fortunately, more organizations around the globe are awakening to the way that these assets won't be around perpetually, and that sooner rather than later, different types of vitality will notice. Sunlight based vitality, or vitality fueled by the sun, is one of the most encouraging. Since the sun’s beams make such a great amount for the natural life that encompasses us, why can’t it do likewise for individuals? It can, and the same number of enterprises are discovering, will be around long after different ass ets are no more.      What is sun oriented vitality? To completely appreciate this, foundation data must be introduced. How could we arrive at the point we are at now? The vast majority look to the 1973 oil ban, where Arab delegates declared they’d never again be transporting oil to nations, for example, the U.S., who had upheld Israel in their contention with Egypt. About a similar time as this was reported, individuals from OPEC consented to fourfold world oil costs. Concentrate at that point went to sun powered vitality. With scarcely any oil being imported, the Federal government began putting near $400 million every year for inquire about on sun based vitality. The realities were and still are ever-present: oil, coal, and atomic vitality are depletable, making a huge measure of pollutive particles go very high, which thusly causes an abundance of issues. Then again, sunlight based vitality is spotless and inexhaustible with no awful delayed consequences. The real meaning of sun powered vitality is â€Å"energy from the sun that’s changed over into warm or electric energy.†The wording utilized while talking about sun powered vitality might be intricate and hard to comprehend to the regular person. This is on the grounds that very little has been done to attempt to clarify the utilizations or even the manner in which this framework works to people in general. The cash dispensed by the legislature has appeared to go towards examine as opposed to empowering and teaching the individuals about the advantages of sustainable power source. The breakdown gives us that ... ...exchanger, brilliant floor, low utilization plumbing, natural air admission, and propane for warmth, cooking, and drying of garments. These are the basics of one sun oriented controlled house. Truly it seems like a ton of work, yet a similar sum goes into a normal home. Some sun powered mortgage holders are pulled in by the minimal effort of month to month charges, others by the common sense. Whichever, the advantages to the inhibitors and nature are definitely justified even despite the time and cash spent.      In summation, we can change the world like Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young once said. It can begin with one individual, however will require more help so as to prosper. Sun based vitality isn't the response to the entirety of the world’s issues. There are consistent new ones rising every day as we people have our everlasting effect on the planet. However, to complete something, one must do it without anyone else's help utilizing whatever it takes. Organizations, bunch help mindfulness, network activity, perhaps wars, yet the ideal opportunity for activity is rapidly cruising us by. The earth where we as a whole live in and by relies upon us and the manner in which we live in this world. With voice, activity, training, and financing we will begin to see another and better future.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
What Though the Odds
What Though the Odds Its official: my first semester at MIT is over. After finishing four finals in three days, I packed my bags and headed back home to South Bend. By the time you read this, Ill have been home for over a week but as far as I can tell, not much has changed. And yet, at the same time, everything has. Including me. A lot can happen in a semester, especially a semester at MIT. In retrospect, I realize that in spite of reading the blogs, in spite of talking to upperclassmen and alumni, in spite of going to CPW I really had very little idea of what college life is like. People talk a lot about the transition from high school to MIT. But the word transition implies some sort of slow, controllable change. Let me tell you something: when you get to college, change is neither slow nor controllable its a process that you barely realize is happening. Growth comes in spurts and spasms, and it can hurt. The transition is not a straight line, its a step function. And sometimes all you can do is just hang on. Academically, I had a bit of rough time this semester, and the main reason was 8.012. At this point, you may be wondering (understandably), why did 8.012 make me so miserableand for what matter, what is 8.012? Well, let me give you a little background. As part of the GIRs (short for General Institute Requirements, a set of classes that everyone must take, or pass out of, in order to graduate from MIT), most freshmen take some sort of physics their first semester here. The vast majority take a course on classical mechanics called 8.01. Basically, 8.01 takes your typical college physics class and gives it a uniquely MIT twist called TEAL, which works for some peopleand simply doesnt for others. (Karen has more to say on this topic.) For those who dont like 8.01, or who dont have quite as strong of a physics background, theres an alternative class called 8.01L, which covers the same material as 8.01 but at a slower pace. And then theres 8.012, the accelerated version of 8.01, occasionally called Physics for Masochistsand for good reason. Even before actually coming to MIT, I had been warned about the classs notorious difficulty. As if that werent enough, my parents, who have always been incredibly supportive of me and all my academic endeavors, expressed more than a little surprise when I told them about my decision. Their main point: why would I want to put myself through such a difficult class so early in my academic career, particularly when I had no ambition to be a physics major? Well, I replied, I think I have a pretty good preparation in physics from high school; and, besides, I really want to challenge myself this semester, to find out where my limits are. So I signed up for 8.012, and at first life was good. I loved the professor and his lecture style, I liked my TA, I did well on all my problem sets. And then, just when everything seemed to be going so wellI failed the first test. I had never failed a test before, but this time, I absolutely blew it. Looking back, I know where I went wrong. I had a basic grasp of the necessary concepts, but I couldnt apply them to save my life. In other words: although I understood the fundamental physical laws, I was completely lost on the details of actually solving the problems. (I also completely blanked on how to do simple harmonic motion, which turned out to be crucial. Live and learn.) Needless to say, this did not bode well for me. Do you guys know what fifth-week flags are? Basically, theyre an official sign that youre struggling in a course and, well, I got one in 8.012. At this point, being flagged was basically a formality, but it definitely solidified my understanding that this was pretty serious. I talked with my professor, my freshman advisor, and my parents at length about whether or not I should continue in 8.012 or drop down to regular 8.01. The unfortunate caveat: I had only two days to make my choice. Thinking back to those 48 hours, when I was in the middle of making a decision that could potentially impact the rest of my academic career at MIT, one memory stands out particularly vividly. I remember running into one of my good friends who was also in 8.012, and going with her as she picked up an Add/Drop Form to switch into 8.01. As she took her form, she persuaded me into taking a blank form as well just in case I decided to switch. The irony of the situation? She had done far better on the test than I had. Ultimately, I decided to stick with 8.012. I wasnt happy with my performance on the first test, but my problem set scores were strong, and I was determined to turn things around. Call it a curse, but Im actually a very stubborn person at times (although I generally prefer to use the word tenacious), and I wasnt willing to give up on 8.012 just yet. So I got working. I re-evaluated a lot of things in my life how many extra-curriculars I was involved in, how I was spending my time outside of class, how I was preparing for 8.012 itself and I made more than a few adjustments. I started going to my professors office hours, I began to ask more questions during my recitations, and most importantly of all I ended up becoming part of a regular study group. Because our problem sets were due on Friday, we met every Thursday night at ten oclock, like clockwork, and didnt go home until wed worked out every problem together. Central to our success was the fact that we didnt simply share answers amongst one another. Rather, we actually worked with each other to make sure we all got every problem, from beginning to end, so we understood not just the solution, but the process behind it. Fast forward to the middle of December. The second of our two tests had come and gone, as had our big project. (My study group and I tested the urban legend of whether or not a penny dropped from the Empire State Building can kill a person below. Our conclusion: yeah, itll hurt. But kill you? Not likely.) Although the numbers indicated I was doing better than I had and you know how we MIT students love numbers I wasnt in the clear yet. One challenge remained: the 8.012 final exam. To put it bluntly, I studied harder for that test than I ever had in my life. I used every resource I had or could find on the Web. I took previous semesters exams, I worked through problems I had missed on old problem sets and tests, I read and re-read the book. When exam day came, I sat down to take the test knowing I had prepared as best I could. For the next three hours yes, final exams at MIT are three hours long! I worked as quickly, almost feverishly, as I could to get down as much 8.012 knowledge as I knew. The final wasdifficult, to say the least. But strangely enough, during the exam, somethingrather extraordinary happened. For the first time all semester, I actually felt like a physicist. I was making connections that I had never before thought possible, solving problems in ways I wouldnt have believed I was capable. When I walked out of the exam room, I honestly had no idea how I had done whether I had failed or passed. But I couldnt help but feel that I had achieved some sort of victory. When I think back on the past semester, that sensation is one of the memories I treasure most. I know its a paradox, that I would want to remember such a taxing experience. Its sort of like the dual meanings of IHTFP: sometimes, its the worst experiences in your life that matter the most. Ultimately, this story has a happy ending. I survived 8.012. I still have that Add/Drop Form I mentioned, and I plan on keeping it until the day I graduatea memento, of sorts. Due to the Pass/No Record policy for first-semester freshmen, I wont know by what margin I passed until I return to MIT, at which point my advisor will personally reveal my secret grade. Whatever my final grade, though, my official transcript will always bear the simple, modest letter P. And thats good enough for me. Ultimately, though, this entry isnt just about me. Its about all of us freshmen here at the Institute: my comrades, my peers, my friends, who struggled with me and alongside me not just in 8.012, but in all the classes MIT has to offer. I also want to take this opportunity to thank Caroline, Laurie, Stunes, Michael, Mark, Jenny, Jedediah, Itaru, Maddie, Rob, Beebe, Bob, Tanya, Josiah, Clara, and all the others who helped me along the way. Even if you never read this, I want you to know that you guys are my heroes the real heroes of 8.012. Without you, I know I would never have passed. All that said, I got a lot out of 8.012. I walked into the class with a strong grasp of single-variable calculus, plus one year of basic experience with mechanics and EM from high school. Despite my difficulties, I walked out with a much more thorough understanding of mechanics and Newtons laws than I had ever thought possible. I still remember learning about momentum transfer (a.k.a. how rockets work) as one of the first lectures where I truly got something, even though I know Im never going to be a rocket scientist. Thanks to 8.012, I got my first taste of what real physics feels like. Because ultimately, its not just about solving problem sets, but looking at the world and discovering models, equations, solutions. Thats pretty special, and in fact thats why I fell in love with science in the first place. If you choose to take 8.012 and I would highly encourage all of you to consider it you almost certainly will be challenged. But thats not a bad thing, in my book the entire college experience is about challenging yourself, after all. And 8.012 is not impossible. You dont need multi-variable calculus or differential equations to beat it although your work will be harder if you dont have a solid grasp of single-variable calculus. What you really need is to be smart, adaptive, and (most importantly) willing to work. Ultimately, 8.012 is designed to be rigorousnot to break you in half. Because when you get right down to it, theres really no simpler way to put it: MIT is hard. And the transition can be difficult. But thats part of the reason Pass/No Record exists to help ease that transition, to tone down the stress (but not the workload!) of the first semester. These past four months have, without a doubt, been the most challenging of my life and the most rewarding. Ive learned more about multi-variable calculus, biology, chemistry, and of course physics than I ever thought possible. And, perhaps even more importantly in the long run, I learned what it takes to survive at MIT. At least, I think I did. =) As we head into the New Year, I want to wish all of you the best of luck on your applications. Wherever you find yourselves in the fall of 2008, I know you have the power and the potential, not simply to do well, but to excel. When the world kicks you down, get right up and kick it back, because life is too short to worry about what could have been. Learn from the past. Embrace the present. Look forward to the future. And, no matter what else happens, always always live your dreams.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
My Utopia, Free Essay Sample
My Utopia In the current world, people are divided according to their race, geographical location, religion or political affiliation. There are continents and countries within continents. There is a rule of law that is enforced by a government or a monarchy. Each and every country or monarchy is constantly struggling to be the world’s ruling power. This has led to countries investing a lot of money and resources in training and equipping their armies to prepare for war and guard their territories. Nuclear power is the current most researched and invested in the tool of power. People are dying every day of diseases such as cancer. Medical insurance is not cheap and therefore unavailable to most of the current world’s population. As much as scientists are trying to find a cure for these diseases, it seems as if it will take a lot of time and in the case where they actually find a cure, the big pharmaceuticals are going to make the drugs so expensive that most people will not be able to afford the treatment. The current world we live in has so much injustice going on. It is a man eats man society. This will not be the case in my utopia. In my utopia, there are no governments or monarchies; there is no democracy or dictatorship. There is no rule of law and therefore no rulers.  There exists, in my utopia, a society that believes in equity and governed by a common code of respect for each and every one. People coexist with each other and are not in a constant fight to outdo the other person. The people interested in leading the society are not chosen by a majority as the majority is not always right. Neither do they impose themselves on the people as this may cause a resistance. Instead, any willing person who believes that they are fit enough to lead the society comes forward and presents their case to the people. The person is then chosen based on their character and willingness to serve the people selflessly, not based on how many followers they have, their political beliefs or how much money they have (Bradshaw, 2012). In my utopia, the people in leadership will not be earning hefty salaries or allowances and will not be treated special simply because they hold office. There will be no security and neither will they be protected by the law when they commit offenses. This is in order to weed out anyone who will be seeking leadership just so to satisfy their personal interests. Leaders in my utopia will be people of integrity who have the interests of each and every member of their society at heart and their sole purpose will be to ensure that the society co-exists in a peaceful and just way. There will be no formal education as there currently is in this world. This is not to mean that people will not be educated. Instead of the same tests constantly being administered to students just so as to prove they know enough about a subject to take them to the next grade or next phase of their education, students will be tested on their strengths and abilities in areas that can actually be useful to the society. Human beings are unique in their own way. Everyone has something that they can bring to the table. We are not the same and are not capable of doing the same things. The idea, therefore, of testing students on the same things is not fair as it only favors those who are able to excel in that particular program being offered. Education will, therefore, be based on the personal skills that each and every person possesses. Schools will not be offering the same programs or curriculum for the different students that they will have (Hatch, 2008). Everyone will have an opportunity to learn more about what they are good at and master the skills required to excel in that areas. Scientists will concentrate on science while the art students will also have the opportunity to study what they are passionate about. This will encourage them to believe in themselves and their abilities for the betterment of the society. In addition, education will be free so that no one ever has to worry about the hefty student loans that will be awaiting them once they graduate college and realize that the major they took for three years just does not cut it in the real world. In my utopia, there will be no discrimination of any kind. No person will be bullied based on their skin color, their choice of fashion, religion, sexual orientation or their general beliefs. There will be equal opportunities for all in whichever areas they please to explore or be associated with. People will be free to wear whatever they choose or believe in whomever or whatever they choose to. It will be a society that has free choice for all and which promotes choices that seek to grow every person into a better person than they were before (Cooke, 2002). Our character as human beings is based on the choices that we make. We are our choices and should therefore not be shamed or discriminated against because of who and what we choose to be. My utopia will encourage free will for its members by promoting conditions that ensure that people are not coerced into making decisions that may hurt them or their neighbors. There will not be any marches for the upholding of rights of women or the Lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer or transgender people. These groups of people will not have to fight for their rights because they will be already entitled to their rights because they are human beings. Women and men will be paid equally for the same job they are doing because they are putting in the same effort (Brodsky Kauder-Nalebuff, 2015). Cases of sexual harassment will cease to exist as people will respect each other and their choices. A no will mean no and yes will be yes. People will treat each other based on their character and personality and not based on who they choose they love or which gender they were assigned at birth. There will be respect between people because they will understand that they are all human beings, and for that reason alone, they deserve to be treated with the utmost respect. In my utopia, there will be no fancy hospital equipment or life-saving machines. There will be no drugs or medications because there will be no diseases. Children will not die of cancer or other infections. No child will watch their parent die of any kind of illness. In my perfect world, there are no infirmities. Instead, people exist as one with nature. Food is grown without fertilizers and retains its natural benefits and wholeness. Children can drink water from any stream or pool from the ground as it will not be contaminated. There will be no global warming or extreme weather conditions. The earth will be fertile enough to produce just enough food for everyone. The water will be pure and nourishing. In my utopia, there will be no hunger, thirst, global warming, war, floods, crime, corruption, greed, disease or social injustice. Countries will not turn against each other and neither will families. Children will be allowed to be children and grow into the adults they can be proud of. There will be no pursuit of self-interests but everything everyone does will be for the benefit of the society they live in as a whole. There will not be any kind of discrimination or social injustice. Resources will be distributed based on need and not equally. There will be equity, not equality. In my utopia, there will be just enough of everything to ensure everyone lives their best lives. References Bradshaw, R. (2012). Utopia . Nottingham: Five Leaves. Brodsky, A., Kauder-Nalebuff, R. (2015). The feminist utopia project: fifty-seven visions of a wildly better future. New York City: The Feminist Press, at the City University of New York. Cooke, B. (2002). Human nature in utopia: Zamyatins We . Evanston (Ill.): Northwestern University Press. Hatch, R. A. (2008). Utopia . Buffalo: Center for the study of psychoanalysis and culture.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
What Is Electrical Conductivity
Electrical conductivity is the measure of the amount of electrical current a material can carry or its ability to carry a current. Electrical conductivity is also known as specific conductance. Conductivity is an intrinsic property of a material. Units of Electrical Conductivity Electrical conductivity is denoted by the symbol ÃÆ' and has SI units of siemens per meter (S/m). In electrical engineering, the Greek letter ÃŽ º is used. Sometimes the Greek letter ÃŽ ³ represents conductivity. In water, conductivity is often reported as specific conductance, which is a measure compared to that of pure water at 25Â °C. Relationship Between Conductivity and Resistivity Electrical conductivity (ÃÆ') is the reciprocal of the electrical resistivity (à ): ÃÆ' 1/à where resistivity for a material with a uniform cross section is: à RA/l where R is the electrical resistance, A is the cross-sectional area, and l is the length of the material Electrical conductivity gradually increases in a metallic conductor as the temperature is lowered. Below a critical temperature, resistance in superconductors drops to zero, such that an electrical current could flow through a loop of superconducting wire with no applied power. In many materials, conduction occurs by band electrons or holes. In electrolytes, entire ions move, carrying their net electrical charge. In electrolyte solutions, the concentration of the ionic species is a key factor in the conductivity of the material. Materials With Good and Poor Electrical Conductivity Metals and plasma are examples of materials with high electrical conductivity. The element that is the best electrical conductor is silver -- a metal. Electrical insulators, such as glass and pure water, have poor electrical conductivity. Most of the nonmetals on the periodic table are poor electrical and thermal conductors. The conductivity of semiconductors is intermediate between that of an insulator and a conductor. Examples of excellent conductors include: SilverCopperGoldAluminumZincNickelBrass Examples of poor electrical conductors include: RubberGlassPlasticDry WoodDiamondAir Pure Water (not salt water, which is conductive)
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Recent Invention of Google Glass - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1540 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Information Systems Essay Type Narrative essay Topics: Google Essay Did you like this example? The recent invention of ‘Google Glass’ has stirred the world of technology, bringing forth a new revolution in wearable technological devices. The new gadget said to be released later this year, has claimed to uphold a range of possibilities in enhancing the quality of life in terms of communication through its innovative features, facilitating the way we interact with each other around the world. In relation to the many benefits provided, there are always various issues that come along with new technological products. Within this essay, I will evaluate the arguments of this topic by exploring the different perspectives for and against ‘Google Glass’ including; the many beneficial features in communication and other areas where the product can become of great use, also the various issues concerning privacy and crime. ‘Google Glass’ is an optical head mounted wearable technology with a range of easy accessible features such as hands-free components including voice and gesture control functions allowing business personnel’s, personal use and a range of other users to be able to capture memories with their eye’s and through voice control as tested by Swider (2013, pg1) â€Å"I took hands-free photos by saying; okay glass take a picture.†The beneficial attributes of Google Glass range in number as there isn’t any competition or anything like it at this stage of time. With its wireless connectivity photos, videos, podcasts and information can be shared anywhere around the world using the mentioned hands-free capabilities. With this feature businesses, journalists and other work professionals in need of access to digital media are able to capture moments of important information, send or receive it in an instance of time. In addition to its development Glass enables communication to become more easily possible with built-in microphone and a bone conduction transducer for audio signals, voice over Internet protocol (Eysenbach, 2014). Google Glass allowing communicative procedures to be more accessible on the go demonstrating a high future prospects for Google and bettering communication in our lives. Another form of its easy access transmission intelligence is the way people are able to send messages, data, photos or information through a basic head tilt, or with the touch pad on the side of the glasses. With the automatic beam of a gentle notifications by ‘Google Reminder’ information and settings that is requested by the glass owner is automatically beamed to the eye. This eliminating the struggle to take out any other device to check; notifications, weather, apps or messages, also reinforced by Swider (2013, pg1) â€Å"All of this data appeared in the top right corner of my vision, all without the need to take out my smartphone.†In this sense there are a variety of possibilities that await Google Glass in relation to better and a ccessible communication in business professions and for personal use, which is further explored throughout the essay. In regards to further possibilities of the new technology, not only is Google Glass seen to be effective in communication for business use and/or personal use, but as time elapses various literatures have proclaimed that the use of Google Glass may come into use in the medical field for communicative needs. For example documentation and even forms of communicative information such as sending data from one lab to another, creating a more convenient way of accessing and communicating important data which can be done through the use of the hands-free built-in camera, video and voice encoder (Journal of Science and Technology 2014). In a leading peer-reviewed e-Health Journal (Journal of Medical Internet Research) there had been tests and observations recently done to determine the feasibility of utilizing Google Glass in forensics. The Glass was used to perform hands -free operations and evaluate the extent of satisfaction by the images taken. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.Although the images weren’t as good compared to the DSLR camera, the team had decided it’s a great strength in creating better communication and learning for medical education, reflected in the editors speech; â€Å"Students may join a complicated autopsy or operation and can see exactly what their teachers see, thus learning from watching their actions†(Eysenbach 2014). Besides the communication side of Google Glass, in the medical field various tests and examinations brought compelling use of the glasses to be used to identify results of Immuno-assays. Parviz (Cited in ACS Publications, 2014) This laboratory experiment by ‘Ozcan and Colleagues’ and other tests on the Glass have established various purposes in laboratories for scientist and physicians by empowering them with convenient on-the-go access to information , data, hands free record ing, documentation and the live sharing each other’s view point live. Within this stanza we come to realize the opportunities for Google Glass are limitless and exceed in a branch of areas which facilitate various needs for people and organizations not only through communicative features but also through its many other attributes making life easier and more convenient. Despite its positives, when a new technological product is introduced to the world, it is through its beneficial features where issues such a privacy and crime lye. In terms of privacy concerns many literatures argue that Glass may be a form of assistance in aiding criminal acts and carrying out crime across the globe in an elaborate network of Google Glasses. Dr. Katrina Michael w associate professor at the University of Wollongong Sydney, Australia reveals her concern in regards to privacy laws related to Glass arguing that â€Å"we could become walking creators of data†and expresses that â€Å"we will become more stressed†as there will be no privacy left, because we will be on the screen of someone else’s camera almost all the time. (Slane 2013). Although Dr. Michael isn’t against the Glass and its aspiring features she is uncertain about the leading result this product will cause in which she calls an ‘Unberveillance society,’ meaning â€Å"where you don’t have the right to be alone, someone is intruding your life and sharing it with other people.†Privacy today is a big issue and will remain regardless of how exposed our lives already are through social media and other innovative technologies in today’s society. Not to mention Dr. Michael still favors the Glass â€Å"but I am excited for what kind of bumper stickers may emerge. ‘Wearing Glass and Driving Is CLEARLY Dangerous’.†Therefore besides the concerns most views of the Google Glass are positive this upholding a bright perspective for communi cations through the product but the company is in definite need to review privacy laws. Revisiting the issues of Glass in relation to privacy and crime, basically the main concern for people is that the device has capabilities that can erode society’s security and maybe even safety, although there are laws in place for privacy and security in many countries. In Australia the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) regulates the handling of personal data about individuals, including; collection, use and disclosure of the information, meaning one can be convicted of a crime if they possess information of data about or of the individual without their permission. In response Google Designers have looked into the various concerns regarding its Glass recording and imaging capabilities by programing it so that it is in need of the user to give voice commands or tap the Glass. Either way (HENN 2013) claims that hackers are revealing the possibility to re-engineer Google glass to operate in a manne r different than to the way it was intended to. This calls for a re-examination and change in privacy roles (Safavi and Shukur, cited in Life Science Journal 2014, p.111). For example as mentioned by Dr Michael â€Å"You could be walking on different streets in different countries and I say ‘share with this person’ and you would see what I’m seeing and I see what you’re seeing which means we could be participating in remote crime,†(Slane 2013). Although this might seem most unlikely at the moment but as the product becomes more popular throughout the world like for example the ‘Apple iPads’ where everyone has one, then the statement made by Dr. Michael may be of concern. Either way within today’s society there isn’t much privacy left, hence as mentioned before within this stanza there is a need for the re-examination of privacy laws. In response to the potential issues raised in regards to security, privacy and crime, Google Glass announced It â€Å"will not allow facial recognition applications on Google until strong privacy protections were in place.†(Co., G. Project Glass, 2013). (Safavi and Shukur, Cited in Life Science Journal 2014, p.112). Then announcing its main priority is its users privacy, making sure there users are protected. In relation to ‘Samsung’s’ privacy issues as concerns arose regarding privacy and security of individuals worrying about their photos or a video taken of them without their consent, Samsung had disabled the ‘silent camera mode’ therefore allowing people around the user to be aware that a photo or video is being taken. Similarly Google bought forth the new design which enables only the owner to record using the device by sound or tapping which can be easily detected by those around them. Google and also Samsung have demonstrated a good example of having to review their goals due to legal and societal implications (Safavi and Shukur, Cited in Life Science Journal 2014, p.112). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Recent Invention of Google Glass" essay for you Create order
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Health Promotion Is A Key Element Of The Nurses Role
The World Health Organization defines mental wellbeing as the absence of a disease as well as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being (World Health Organization 2005). Of the many occupations found in the health sector, it is nurses who continually need to interact with a range of individuals. From colleagues to patients and their families, nurses are often thrown in highly stressful situations. Such environment unfortunately makes nurses more susceptible to mental health stress (Bazarko et. al 2013, pg 108). Given this context, the promotion of mental health not only improves wellbeing in the present, but also helps to reduce future disease burden (Brennan Debate 2006, pg. 336; World Health Organization 2005). Health promotion is a key element of the nurse s role. This involves taking action to enhance the physical and mental wellbeing of patients and colleagues in the workplace (World Health Organization 2005). This assignment will discuss how workplaces impact mental wellbeing. It will also highlight the risk factors and warning signs that contribute to mental health deterioration. Following that, two strategies that may be implemented that would promote nurses mental health will be proposed. To a large degree, workplaces contribute to an affect the mental state of all employees (Harvey et al. 2014, pg. 5). Evidence suggests that within a healthcare setting, nurses in particular are subjected to occupational distress related to unhealthyShow MoreRelatedMy Personal Philosophy Of Nursing949 Words  | 4 Pagesof individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Fundamental Principles Of Buddhism And Islam - 1585 Words
The following paper is going to discuss and describe the fundamental principles of Buddhism and Islam, consider the common and distinctive attributes and outline their influence and presence in modern Asia. The notion of religion is the fundamental foundation, and later the central body, for all past, present and future societies and cultures. The majority of the world’s population fabricates their own unique identity through the values and morals of the religion with which they follow. The present day allows opportunity for individuals to exercise their religious beliefs openly and with an absence of discrimination and judgment. Personal beliefs provide guidance and structure in the day-to-day lifestyles of those who engage with religion, influencing life choices. Throughout history it is evident that religion has been utilised as a means to justify actions along with the restraint of individuals. (Walker, 2012) Buddhism is an avenue of practice and spiritual development leading to an insight into the true nature of reality. The experience within the Buddhist tradition, over countless generations has created an incomparable resource for all those who wish to follow a path – a path that ultimately culminates in Nirvana of Enlightenment. (, n.d.) Varying to such is the Islamic faith, a phenomenon where all are called to the submission to the good will of God. The Islamic faith values two main concepts, involving strict monotheism and the importance ofShow MoreRelatedChristianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, And Judaism1644 Words  | 7 Pages The following religions Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism are among the top religions when evaluating the number of followers they encompass worldwide (Henderson, 2005, p.1). Through assessing these major belief systems and their views, diversity between them is apparent. 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Dementia Alzheimer’s Disease and People Free Essays
Isabel Ramirez Comp105 Mrs. Doonan 11 December 2012 Dementia affecting the lives of many Sometimes the word Dementia can be quite scary to hear and quite frankly it is pretty scary to hear. Many people don’t really take the time to stop and realize that it might be something that can be life threating and without them even knowing they might already be having some of the early symptoms. We will write a custom essay sample on Dementia: Alzheimer’s Disease and People or any similar topic only for you Order Now There is no such thing as going in to the doctor to early and getting checked out for dementia. Once someone gets dementia there is no way on turning back and the best they can do it getting treatment. Approximately every sixty eight seconds someone in America will develop dementia, some even without them knowing it. Dementia is something that no one wants to know that they have because of the dramatic life changes that if will have in someone’s life. Dementia having many effects on older people like having to get treatment and the many symptoms they go through can be very overwhelming. Many people know that dementia is a disease in which the memory is affected, but that’s not all dementia is. Every sixty eight seconds someone in America develops dementia. (AHAF) Dementia actually means loss of mentation and thinking. (Fisher) It is a disease that degenerates the brain which affects the memory. (AHAF) Dementia is a progressive disease that has a big impact not only on the person that is diagnosed with dementia but also their family and friends that are around. Perry) Many people describe dementias symptoms with loss of memory, judgment, language even motor skills, meaning that many people can’t do a lot of their daily activities normally by themselves. (Fisher) Caring for someone with dementia can be extremely difficult and have a lot of emotional stress. Dementia is a disease the many describe as a disease that eats someone’s brain slowly causing that person to start forgetting things. (AHAF) Dementia isn’t a disease that is on its own i t has many forms to which it attacks a person. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. Fisher) Dementia having many shapes and sizes can be hard on older people. Dementia does have many shapes and sizes because there is different types of dementias in which can affect the person slowly or really fast. The forms of dementia are classified by the area of the brain that gets affected and the degree of progression. (Westerby) Since there are so many different forms of dementia, drugs might only be available for some of them. Yes, there is many kind of dementia but the two most common forms are Parkton’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Fisher) About sixty percent of the people that develop Alzheimer’s, fifteen through thirty percent develop vascular dementia, four through twenty percent develop lewy body and two percent develop frontal temporal dementia. Mainly all forms of dementia are progressive except Vascular Dementia. Alzheimer’s mainly affects older people and mainly women get this kind of dementia. Lewy Body dementia mainly affects older people. Vascular dementia mainly affects people that have diabetes. Frontal Temporal dementia affects mostly the people that are under sixty five and mainly men. Elkins) Some people might get mixed dementia where there might be one or more cases of dementia combined together. (Perry) One of the hardest things of dementia is the symptoms they have and later finding out someone has dementia through diagnostic can be a very tragic moment. The earliest symptom is memory loss with that also not being able to think right can really confuse a person. (Fisher) Patients might have a hard time arranging plans and which ends up leading to the major memory loss. Movement of everyday became more difficult. Perry) That’s why trying to diagnose dementia soon is very important, the sooner is diagnosed the sooner medication can be given out which can help from it progressing really fast. Cognitive test are necessary in being able to decide whether dementia is there or not. (Westerby) There is a physical exam done to help identify why they have dementia. Another thing they really take in consideration is history of mental or behavioral symptoms. (AHAF) There is an assessment that is done which is called Mini Mental State Examination. There is so many ways that people can get tested and find out pretty soon, like getting lab test done is a fast and effective way. (Perry) Out of all of them the most effective way and proven to be one hundred percent effective is brain autopsy. (AHAF) Finding out which stage of dementia you have might be hard because of the many ad different types of dementia there are. That is why it is very important to that if someone has any of the symptoms to get them checked out because the faster you get diagnosed the more likely you will be able to get some medication that will slow down the progression. Perry) The risk factors that can give you dementia or bring along can be too much to handle for someone at any age. Even though dementia can happen at any time of life, it has a dramatic increase as age increases too. (Perry) There are two big risk factors that really play a big role when getting dementia, which are age and genetics. Many people can get dementia because it is in their genes and past generations in their family have gotten so it is more likely that they get it. Approximately five percent of Americans between the ages of sixty five and seventy four get dementia. AHAF) People who smoke, have hypertension, high cholesterol, and are obese have a greater risk in getting dementia. People who have Parkinson’s disease and have had a stroke are also greater at risk. (Westerby) People with dementia might be seeing things that aren’t really there which can be very dangerous for them to be alone in their own home. (Fisher) About thirty six and a half percent of people with dementia live in a home care facility the other sixty three and a half percent are taken care of in their own home by some family member. Westerby) When the dementia is advanced people become dependent for everything with their care. (Fisher) Mobility gets harder so there could be a greater risk of falls. There might also be a great loss of appetite and a dramatic change in their we ight. (Perry) As often as possible try drawling things for the patient that way they can visualize the things better and they might remember them more. (Elkins) Asking people with dementia direct questions really stresses them out and they fell like they are put in the stop. So yes it is a really serious disease and in most cases it is too much for someone to handle at any age. Sometimes the treatments are not always enough when trying to get rid of dementia and the results can be pretty fatal. It is better to keep the person in their own home. That way they could keep their daily routine and they can remember where their things are located at. Moving someone out of their home when they are very confused already isn’t going to help them out much. (Perry) When diagnosed it is recommended for the patient and the family to get ongoing support. This way the family can know of ways to help the person and also the patient knows the truth of dementia. (Westerby) Alzheimer’s is terminal and had no known cure. (AHAF) No Treatment yet recognized, but one big risk factor is diabetes and hypertension. (Perry) The average time of life they have would range from five though twenty years. (Fisher) The three year survival rate for vascular dementia for people over the age of eighty five is sixty seven percent. For people who develop Alzheimer’s after a stroke there is a thirty nine percent survival rate. People with Alzheimer’s in general have a forty three survival rate. (Perry) Out of all the causes of death infection is the most common. (Fisher) Yes, Dementia is very hard and a lot to handle for older people, there isn’t a known treatment that is for sure going to get rid of the dementia someone has and the symptoms can be very frustrating. That’s why having the help of family members and friends that are around the person is very necessary to be able to live with a disease that eats your brain a little more each day causing that person to forget things from their past. It is a scary disease that no one wishes to ever get, but once someone has it there is no way back. As soon as they start to notice some of the symptoms it is better to go get themselves checked that why there can be some medication that can help its progression. Being able to detect it early improve the quality of life and the lifelong out comes the patient has for the rest of their lives. Always keep in mind this is a disease that attacks someone in the America every sixty eight seconds, many without even knowing. How to cite Dementia: Alzheimer’s Disease and People, Papers
Another Day on the Ice free essay sample
It was just another Bruins game that my dad had gotten tickets for against the Montreal Canadians. It was an important game and every time I watch or hear hockey being mentioned throughout the day, I recall a memory. From the moment the puck dropped, the memory in my mind popped up like usual. These memories that pop up are called flashbacks. Whether we like it or not, these flashbacks happen all the time in our lives every day of our lives. Flashbacks for me occur a lot throughout the day when something I see reminds me of that terrible day. Sitting at this Bruins game watching them go up and down the ice, brought up this memory. When I woke up that day, everything was normal. I did my stretches, ate a pasta meal, drank 3 glasses of water, taped up my stick and kicked the soccer ball around. It was an important day; I had a big hockey game that determined if we would make the playoffs. We will write a custom essay sample on Another Day on the Ice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Heading to the rink, all my dad said to me was to, â€Å"keep my head up†in case of any hits coming my way because I have had multiple concussions before. In the locker room, everything felt the same kids were packing lips. Nothing had changed, and my game plan was to go out there and play how I play every other game of the season. Warm ups came and went, and before I knew it the game was starting. Hearing the blades chew up that fresh sheet of ice made me anxious to get out there and play. My turn to get out on the ice, I hop the boards and I can feel my flow flop with the wind from the rink as I skate up to my goalie. I receive the puck pass it to the left wing and head into the opponent’s zone. I go to the hash marks on the right side of the ice and put a shot on goal which found its way into the net. All the excitement got my heart pounding and I could hear a roar from the crowd because I scored only two minutes into the game. We won the faceoff and dumped the puc k into the opponent’s zone. I went down to get the puck facing the boards and before I knew it there was a loud crack and I was out. I woke up with the sound of an ambulance spinning my mind going on and on. My first instinct I had was to move my legs, and I couldn’t. I tried to turn my neck, and I couldn’t. What once was a really good day just turned into a really bad one. My mother was sitting next to me holding my hands everything I saw was a blur. All I could hear the EMT saying was, â€Å"he may be paralyzed.†I could not talk because my mouth was strapped up. I felt like a pitbull with a muzzle on. I passed out for a second time and when I woke up, my family was surrounding me in the hospital room. The first thing I was told to do was to move my legs and when I finally could it was the happiest I have ever been in my life. I could not move my neck because of the massive, hideous neck brace I was sporting. I did not remember a thing that happened so when I asked my dad what did he said, â€Å"You got hit from behind face-first into the boards. Your helmet cracked in half because of how hard you were hit.†Shortly after the doctor came in with x-rays and said I had a fractured vertebrae and a third degree concussion (the worst is fourth). Hours went by and I was cleared to go home and recover. Every time I would get up from a chair, the world would start spinning and I would throw up along with a really bad headache. When I got home it felt like I hadn’t been there in ages, the day went by so slow and I had received news that we won the game and but I was mad because I was out for the rest of the year. My jersey was ripped in half by the EMT’s and it was sitting on my bed at home. With all my anger came a lot of happiness because things could’ve have been a lot worse and I could’ve ended up paralyzed. It was a miracle and I will never forget that day. I was definitely a miracle on ice. By the time this flashback ended the third period was ready to begin. I went through the whole first two periods of an extreme rivalry without paying attention just so I could recall this memory. Every time I recall this time in my life it sends chills down my spine. When this finally cleared my mind, I could go and watch the third period peacefully.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Feminist Christology free essay sample
Male theologians had done almost all theology in the Christian tradition. Today women are waking up to their own dignity and finding their own voice. Some faith is now being reflected from the perspectives and experiences of women. This is commonly called Feminist Christology. There are many types of feminist Christology that can be divided into two categories. The revolutionary school of thought is produced by women who, upon examining the Christian tradition, find it so male-dominated that they pronounce it hopelessly irredeemable.The other category is of the reformist feminist theologians, who also find the Christian tradition male-dominated but find hope for it to be transformed. The reformist stay within the church and work for reform, while the revolutionists leave the church and form groups of prayer that emphasizes sisterhood. The majority of Catholic feminist theologians work with the liberation model in the sense that they seek the dismantling of patriarchy and equal justice especially for the dispossessed. Feminist liberation theology arises out of the recognition of the suffering of a particular oppressed group, in this case women. Consciousness of the ways women are perpetually relegated to second class citizenship in society and church, in contrast to womens essential human dignity, gives rise to outrage: this should not be; this is against the will of God. Reflection arises in groups actively engaged in praxis. The goal of this form of theologizing is not only to understand the meaning of faith tradition, but also to change it.The vision which guides feminist theology is that of a new human community based on the values of mutuality and reciprocity. The dream of a new heaven and a new earth takes hold here, with no one group dominating and no one group being subordinated. The three steps of the method of liberation theology-analyzing the situation, searching the tradition for what contributes to the oppression, and searching again for what liberates-yield a new appreciation of the meaning of Jesus Christ for human beings who are women.Feminist theologists say that sexism is pervasive, and like racism classifies human beings, prescribes certain roles and denies certain rights to them on the basis of physical characteristics. So, on the basis gender sexism considers women essentially less worthy than men and sets up powerful forces to keep women in their proper place. Sexism shows itself in two ways. The first is in structures which are so shaped that power is always in the hands of the dominant male; other males are ranked in a series of graded subordination, with the least powerful forming a large base.This structure is known as patriarchy. Secondly, in patterns of thinking that takes the humanity of male human beings and make it normative for all. Women are considered human not in their own right, but in a secondary way, in a way derivative from and dependent on the male. This thinking is called androcentrism. Almost all-historical theologians have thought in the androcentric manner. Thomas Acquinas was of the opinion that woman is a misbegotten men, a physiological view which then determined his assessment of womans essential nature.This is a view that is pervasive in the Catholic tradition, influencing not only theology but canon law and practice as well. In sexism with this thinking, women are excluded, marginalized, and rendered invisible in language and public life. Stereotyped as mindless, emotional, weak, they are prevented from assuming leadership roles. A UN statistics show, while forming one half of the worlds population, women do three fourths of the worlds work, receive one tenth of the worlds salary, and own one hundredth of the worlds land.Within these kinds of experiences, womens own self image comes in for a great battering, there is widespread lack of self-esteem and self-confidence that has been documented even among very competent women. Out of the system of sexism in all of its manifestations, feminist theology has developed a criterion or critical principle for judging structures and theories. Whatever enables this to flourish is redemptive and of God; whatever damages this is non-redemptive and contrary to Gods intent.The one example to demonstrate all of these discriminations is the denial of the rights of women as persons. What is called for is transformation of the self and of social systems that support exploitative relations, the relations between men and women key among them. The second step involves analysis of tradition and there, when the turn is made to Christology, the judgement is made that of all the doctrines of the church Christology is the one most used to oppress women. It basically comes down to the way Jesus maleness was portrayed.The problem arises when Jesus maleness, this particular aspect of himself as a person, is lifted up and made into universal principle. This then operates in two ways which contribute to the subordination of women. First, it comes to be taken for granted that the maleness of Jesus reveals the maleness of God, or that the only proper way to represent God is in male images. Through the bible and throughout Jesus life God is imaged as the father, always in male terms, a naming which rebounds to the benefit of male human being.Feminist theologians believe that since God is Spirit, he can be neither male nor female. In the book of Genesis God gave no preference to either male or female. In the Jewish scriptures God is imaged in female form by some of the prophets, as mother, midwife, etc. Jesus also images God as female. For example when he said the reign of God is like the yeast that a woman kneads into dough so that the whole loaf rises; this is an image of God as baker woman. Even in the parable of the woman searching for her lost coin, which is similar to the parable of the good shepherd in Luke 15:1-10.They both tell the same story, of God as Redeemer, of both leaving the rest of their coins or sheep, while searching for the missing way. The parables show how God cares for all of us even if we sin hell always look for us. However the story of the woman has been ignored while the good shepherd has been remembered. At various times in the Christian tradition, female metaphors for God did come into use. Even in our present day, Pope John Paul I said memorable that just as God is truly our Father, even more is God our Mother, especially when we are in trouble through sin.The second way in which the maleness of Jesus has operated to subordinate women concerns human beings more than God. The gender of Jesus has been taken to be the mode of paradigm of what it means to be human. This is interpreted literally to mean that maleness is closer to the human ideal than is femaleness. Feminist Liberation Christology searches in Christology for ways to liberate women, and they have found ways in Jesus ministry, death, and resurrection, and the tradition of wisdom Christology. †¢ Jesus preaching proclaims justice and peace for all people, inclusive of women. The vision of the reign of God is precisely a vision of community where every human person is valued and all interrelated in a mutually respectful way. Jesus preaching of the reign of God is a powerful liberating force. †¢ Jesus call God Abba, which represents this compassionate, intimate, and close Abba that releases everyone from patterns of domination and calls for another kind of community. Abba creates and sets up a place of mutuality, a community of brothers and sisters. †¢ Jesus in all his workings and doings considered females just as important as males.He treated them with a grace and respect commensurate with their human dignity. One theologian remarks that the problem is not the Jesus wasn’t female, but that most males are not like him. †¢ Feminist interpretation of the stories of women in the gospels is making clear that while this point has been suppressed in our androcentric tradition, Jesus called women to be disciples. Women too left their homes and families to follow Jesus. They too preached and turned towns in followers of Jesus. An example is the Samaritan woman at the well (Jn4) which brought a whole town to Jesus.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
An Ordinary Outlook Essays - Lake Forest, Illinois,
An Ordinary Outlook The movie Ordinary People directed by Robert Redford is a very real life movie set in the suburbs of Illinois in the late 1970's. The movie begins early December and ends what seems to me like the following spring. I think the significance of the seasons is that December, representing a dreary lifeless mood, at least for the northwest region, symbolizes death. During this time, Conrad experiences many confrontations with this matter. He has recently witnessed the death of his brother and is struggling to make his appearance seem ?normal?. When the weather begins to get warmer, setting a more renewed atmosphere, Conrad begins to understand his emotions and, therefore, deals with the circumstances of his brother's death better. Conrad Jarrett, the protagonist, is a seventeen-year-old student attending a public high school. Conrad represents more of a heroic figure in this story because he has begun to overcome the overwhelming obstacles of life. This complex individual realizes that love gives one the strength to endure life. However, Con must struggle to cope with the drastic changes occurring in his life. His struggle against these obstacles is the antagonist in the story. Other important characters include Con's mother, Beth; Con's father, Calvin; Con's psychiatrist, Dr.Berger; his friend Karen, and his somewhat girlfriend Jeannine. Beth, a determined perfectionist, is constantly concerned with the way people view her and her family. She wishes for everyone to view her family as ?normal?. She buried all her love with Buck and, therefore, neglects Conrad because she no longer understands how to love. Beth feels that Con had intended to hurt her as much as himself when he had tried to commit suicide. She can only see things in terms of how they affect her, a very selfish mindset. Beth thinks that everyone feels this way and that perhaps she is simply more honest about it. At one point of the movie, Beth states that she does not hate Con for what he has done, but she cannot forgive him for it. In a way, it seems she can not forgive him for surviving. On the flip side of the movie, Calvin or Cal, struggles to understand how he should react to his son's fe elings and actions. Cal feels as if Beth and Con are drifting away in opposite directions, and he doses not know which direction to follow. Con's self confident psychiatrist, Dr.Berger, helps con to express his feelings and encourages him to do what he wants instead of what people expect him to do. Berger is unorganized and spontaneous which works to the benefit of Conrad. Con finds comfort in Berger's friendship and his willingness to listen. Karen is also a valued friend of Conrad. She was in the hospital at the same time he was, and they helped each other get through the hard times. When Con left the hospital, they lost contact until he called her one-day and they met in a restaurant. When talking with Conrad, Karen displays a false sense of enthusiasm for the coming years. Later on in the movie Conrad is shocked when he finds out Karen has committed suicide. This event causes Con to release all his suppressed anguish and let down his shield to his emotions. Jeannine is Conrad's somewhat girlfriend who is there for him and allows him to feel needed, a feeling Con cant seem to find even in his friends at school. She is the only person who really asks Con about what he had felt when he tried to commit suicide. The major conflict in the movie is an internal one between Con and himself. Conrad struggles to cope with the drastic changes occurring in his life. He wants to please everyone. Con will not allow himself to feel or express emotion for fear of becoming vulnerable. There are many other minor conflicts that occur within the story. One example is an external conflict between Conrad and Beth. Con and his mother find it hard to communicate for the fact that both are too unwilling and stubborn to forgive each other. Also, Beth and Calvin experience an external conflict because of the circumstances have caused them to grow apart, and question their love for
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Motivation in Education Essays
Motivation in Education Essays Motivation in Education Essay Motivation in Education Essay I was doing these classes mainly during the evening when I was coming back home or most of the time on the weekends when I had most of my spare time. I think in the classes that I completed, there was a sense of easy topics compared to the other ones. As such, they were necessary skills compared to the other ones. I could see myself growing fast in it because I could go from 0 to 100 in few hours of learning. In this case, the coursers that I completed were not so extraordinarily time-consuming. As such, I was spending no more than 3 or 4 hours per week. The homework and the projects that I was doing were easy and fascinating. For instance, in the python one, every week you had to create some programs, video games like space invaders, which are also kind of fun. Indeed, it was cool to see the output of the results. The above quotation was taken from the interview made to Francesco, and it is an interesting example since it explained his personal experience when he completed a courser. Additionally, it makes it possible to understand how the main categories represented in the conceptual model affected his motivation while he was enrolled. One of the main advantages in the context of Coursera is that users can choose when to study. This enables them have a higher flexibility with regard to how they structure their work. This characteristic was also found in the research of Liu et al. (2015) where users indicated that one of the advantages of the platform was its flexibility. Users feel gratified when they realize how they can progress during their experience. Specifically, users are more motivated to continue the path of learning when they can understand the content of the course and master the skills learned through their experience. As discussed at the beginning of this section, users have different reasons and motivations for enrolling in a course. In this regard, they are not only triggered by their curiosity to learn something new and related to their academic or work background but also by their hobbies and interests. These results evidence that users access the content mostly for their personal interests as opposed to some extrinsic factors. Specifically, users get the content to have a wider understanding in the areas that are more relevant to them. Thus, they are more intrinsically motivated to enrol in a course and probably complete it. In my perspective, these results make sense because, first, most of the MOOC learners already have a degree- either bachelor or master, and some of them already have a job; therefore, they access Coursera to either add or explore new skills. As such, the primary interest and motivation for Coursera learners are to master new skills and add them to their toolbox that they use at work or in their personal lives. From this assumption, we can find a correlation between what users do in Coursera and what the CEO stated regarding the difference between learning in Coursera and traditional universities. He said that if anyone intended to master any content, Coursera was a great tool. Additionally, if they wanted to explore the forming relationships that will be very critical for them, for their entire lives and learn the soft skills and interpersonal competencies and skills of leadership and teamwork that they required in life, there was nothing like these great universities (Bill Snyder, 2014). These results also find consistency in other study findings like Kop and Fourier (2011) where they sta ted that users who are intrinsically motivated are more likely to engage in the course and be participants that are more active. In a study conducted by Yale University, however, Wang et al. (2015) found that there are no substantial differences in mastery goal orientations between completer and non-completer users. From this assumption, it is reasonable to believe that while a user is enrolled in a course, his/her initial motivations and goals may be affected by any changes during his/her learning path. Indeed, one of the reasons why users drop out is because they fulfil their needs before completing the course. Notably, Users may enrol to a course and focus only on one part of the compendium, which they believe, is more valuable to their needs. Specifically, a user may be motivated to master further skills, but he/she might be interested only to follow one lesson of the entire course without any reason to complete the assignments. As such, it is rational to assume that both completers and non-completer learners are motivated to master new skills albeit having different priorities in what they need to learn. The priorities of each user may be based on how they perceive the knowledge that they acquire while they are enrolled in a course. In specific, it is important that some coursers are more relevant for users to learn in a particular range of time. Additionally, the skills that a user wants to learn have a different priority about the tasks that he/she is doing that moment. For example, while Agne was explaining the reasons why she completed the course in English grammar, she stated that it was easy and because at that moment, she found it useful to complement those skills that matched with her voluntary job. She stated Effective writer one was easier to complete. The assignments were very clear; you did not need to do a lot of background work, and it was most of about the writing itself. At that moment, I was doing a lot of writing also from my volunteering, as such; it was complementing my actual work. The skills that she wanted to learn were complementary to her task that she was i nvolved in at that moment. This aspect also makes the course more relevant to the user and, therefore, more critical. The relevance of the course and the value of the skills that a user wants to acquire are based on the outcome. It is critical to take into consideration time perceived from learning because most of the users accesses Coursera to fulfil short-term goals and complement their skills that they think are more relevant to a particular range of time. If users perceive that the time taken to acquire the knowledge is too long, or the effort requested to complete the course is not contingent on the outcome, then they will be less motivated. It is also reasonable to make a consideration about the value of the certificates that Coursera offers and how users perceive the value of them. From the results obtained in the previous chapter users, they view the certificate as useless. Since most of the users already possess a degree, either bachelors or masters, and some of them have even more advanced degrees, they have stated that they do not aim to add further levels to their background, but they are more focused to acquire new skills and knowledge. Moreover, it is possible to follow coursers free, and this means that most of Coursera learners do not have any incentive to buy a certificate. Indeed, while discussing with the participants about the reasons why they do not purchase a certificate, they were referring their grounds in job interviews and the perspectives of the employers. Specifically, those taking part explained that in their interview experiences, firstly, companies do not know what Coursera is and secondly, busi nesses are interested in hiring people that have the right skills to do a task; they do not care if a possible candidate possesses a certificate. Moreover, users stated that the skills learned through a courser were added to their CV, and, therefore, they did not have any reason to buy a certificate.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
The history of American technology Research Paper - 1
The history of American technology - Research Paper Example Some of the key brands that the company produces include Coke, Sprite, Coffee, Dazani, Coke Zero, Fanta and Sprite among others. Being headquartered in Atlanta US; the company operates in more than two hundred countries. One of the primary aspects that have made Coca-Cola Company to enjoy strong customer support is the use of effective methods of advertisement. John Pemberton was the pharmacist behind the invention of Coke brand back in 1886 and up to now the company still produces the same brands. Coca Cola is a brand that most of people prefer and have strong loyalty towards it. Due to its well organized market strategies and advertisements, the brand still survives and competes with other companies soft brands stiffly. The Coca-Cola Company always relies on extensive advertisement to market its brands thus making it to attain a competitive edge in the market. This paper seeks to discuss how advertising technology for Coca-Cola has evolved. Technology use in Coca Cola Company adver tisements Coca-Cola Company has high value of technology not only in its production process but also in its advertisement strategies. The company realizes that based on the extensive use of technology by its competitors including Pepsi and Starbucks among others, the company has to emulate extensive technology in order to remain competitive in the international market. The company constantly changes, rebrands, and advertises the products in order to keep sales consistently high (Dev and Don, 2005). Since the start of social networking and the ability to stay inline with internet marketing, Coca Cola Company has invested heavily in new technology so as to further their brand awareness campaigns. Greener bottles Coca Cola Company introduced the technology of greener bottles and packaging and it was able to produce almost 2.5 billion products using less petroleum. The technology was successful and other companies were attracted to it since it was not expensive. One of the companies tha t borrowed the idea was Heinz which was known for food processing. The production of 2.5 billions represented four percent of the Coca Cola packaging and this makes billions of Coca Cola products to be exported globally each year. Social networking Coca Cola Company maintains good appearance in social networking sites like face book and twitter, attracting over 35 millions people in social networking thus effectively spreading the its new brands in the international market. Coca Cola Company have been campaigning, inviting people to play games to win its products. Through the use of the social networking technology, the company products always enjoy the support of young consumers who are technology savvy. Online advertising Coca Cola Company uses effective online advertising and this makes consumers to feel like the product is the only company dealing with soft drink beverage in the market. The company uses extensive advertisements on its websites that means that coca cola has a gre ater control in the market and this make the product to be top in market. Evolution of coca cola company advertisement strategies Coca Cola is among the best known brands in the world today. Dated back in 1886, the company used to offer free drinks to the customers as mode of advertisement. For instance, the company used marketers like Asa Candler to advertise its products and the budget estimate was about $12,000. Asa
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