Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Fundamental Principles Of Buddhism And Islam - 1585 Words

The following paper is going to discuss and describe the fundamental principles of Buddhism and Islam, consider the common and distinctive attributes and outline their influence and presence in modern Asia. The notion of religion is the fundamental foundation, and later the central body, for all past, present and future societies and cultures. The majority of the world’s population fabricates their own unique identity through the values and morals of the religion with which they follow. The present day allows opportunity for individuals to exercise their religious beliefs openly and with an absence of discrimination and judgment. Personal beliefs provide guidance and structure in the day-to-day lifestyles of those who engage with religion, influencing life choices. Throughout history it is evident that religion has been utilised as a means to justify actions along with the restraint of individuals. (Walker, 2012) Buddhism is an avenue of practice and spiritual development leading to an insight into the true nature of reality. The experience within the Buddhist tradition, over countless generations has created an incomparable resource for all those who wish to follow a path – a path that ultimately culminates in Nirvana of Enlightenment. (, n.d.) Varying to such is the Islamic faith, a phenomenon where all are called to the submission to the good will of God. The Islamic faith values two main concepts, involving strict monotheism and the importance ofShow MoreRelatedChristianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, And Judaism1644 Words   |  7 Pages The following religions Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism are among the top religions when evaluating the number of followers they encompass worldwide (Henderson, 2005, p.1). Through assessing these major belief systems and their views, diversity between them is apparent. 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