Monday, February 3, 2020

Marketing mix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Marketing mix - Essay Example Constantinides described from many research scholars the weaknesses and the possible propositions to modify this marketing mix. Several marketing mix have been proposed to be used by practitioners in a bid to improve the total influence that they impact on the total sales (Constantinides, 2006). Among the marketing mixes that have been proposed, is the traditional 4Ps which still stand out as a framework that is used by many marketing practitioners. The research showed that indeed many scholars have been raising their concerns about the unsuitability of 4ps framework being used in the marketing strategies by companies or corporations or business entities wishing to capture the 21st century customers’ attention. His conclusions agreed with his initial assessment and prediction of the same. It is however, noticeable that much of the propositions he relies on have not been tested but are just personal recommendations of the other previous scholars. Nevertheless, the case study gave an insight into the very much argued topic about the appropriate marketing mix that should be used in today’s ever dynamic business world. This whole work again makes it a critical issue to even want know whether the 4ps of marketing is currently applicable to the customers as a way of marketing strategy. The author Efthymios Constantinides is a well experienced person as a lecturer and an expert in the corporate world with a doctorate degree in Virtual marketing. He therefore, is well versed with the required knowledge to write on a topic like this. The doctor according to the way he writes, probably targeted the marketing practitioners as his audience in this publication as well as fellow researchers evidenced at the end of his conclusion remarks where he recommends that further research should be done on the same field. It is also true that these were not the only target audience to Mr. Constantinides going by the

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